速報APP / 健康塑身 / Keto Diet Plan App Indian

Keto Diet Plan App Indian





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Keto Diet Plan App Indian(圖1)-速報App

Indian Keto Diet weight loss is a 7 day only diet plan to lose weight (up to 8Kg) for that perfect look.

 If you're beginner on learning ketogenic diet, this ketogenic diet app will guide you from the basic. Don't be afraid to try keto diet style method as guiding diet in healthy way is our priority. Ketogenic diet is based on low carbohydrate fat diet.

Keto Diet Plan App Indian(圖2)-速報App

his App for weight loss diet plan follows the ketogenic diet guidelines. It’s dairy-free and the vast majority of recipes are sweetener- free (sweeteners are optional). As always

✡ ✡ Features ✡ ✡

Keto Diet Plan App Indian(圖3)-速報App

➺ Daily Meal Plan of Ketogenic Diet

➺ Which Foods You Should Intake and Which not.

Keto Diet Plan App Indian(圖4)-速報App

➺ Full Shopping List of Product Which is Necessary For The Ketogenic Diet Plan

➺ Benefits and Non-Benefits of Ketogenic Diet

Keto Diet Plan App Indian(圖5)-速報App

➺ Advantages and Side Effects of The Keto Diet.

➺ How Keto Diet Works to your Body and How You Can Follow This Diet .

Keto Diet Plan App Indian(圖6)-速報App